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Loving without losing yourself
Welcome to this 21-Part Audio Course!
Lesson 1: Why we keep on giving
Lesson 2: Waking up to the Blood Loss
Lesson 3: Discovering Your Boundaries
Lesson 4: Become a Guardian of Your Precious Life Force
Lesson 5: Cleanse and tend to your heart energy
Lesson 6: Honouring Your Caregiver Part
Lesson 7: Transforming your Caregiver Part
Lesson 8: Allowing Yourself to Receive Perfect Nurture
Lesson 9: Open to Unconditional Love
Lesson 10: Letting go of guilt and excessive responsibility
Lesson 11: Releasing the fear of rejection
Lesson 12: Seizing the fire of healthy anger
Lesson 13: Protecting yourself through wise action
Lesson 14: Pouring into yourself until you overflow
Lesson 15: Nurturing yourself is not selfish
Lesson 16: Boundaries around your Sacred Heart
Lesson 17: Discern and decide
Lesson 18: Turn Empathy Pain into Resilient Compassion
Lesson 19: Loving without losing yourself
Lesson 20: Upgrade your Compassion
Lesson 21: Being in big love
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Lesson 7: Transforming your Caregiver Part
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